Over the last year I’ve had the great honor to speak about my writing and work on record with a number of folks. For those of you who prefer listening, I’m bringing them all together for your convenience, and hopefully some amount of enjoyment ???? I’m also working on a podcast project (because we’re all doing them now) and will have a tasty soundclip available in the next couple of weeks ????

Because this time of year we can always use color and joy
Phillip Jones recently interviewed me for his podcast The Wall: Behind and Beyond. We talked about a lot of topics, including teaching inside, peace studies, the intersection of education and conflict, whether prisons can really be trauma-informed (let alone responsive), and more! Find Phillip on Twitter.
My good friend Dr. Gerry Ebolaroza-Tunnell interviewed me for the Evolution of Aloha podcast and we had a really good time! Gerry is one of the founders of Co3Consulting, host of the Evolution of AloHa podcast, and a true agent of change.
I recently gave a two-part interview on the Tea for Teaching podcast. The first session (Trauma-Responsive Practice) focused on trauma and adult learning. The second session, which includes my colleague and dear friend Bill Keizer features a discussion of teaching and learning in prison.
Here is my interview with The Learning Project Network. Stephaine is the host of The Learning Project Network podcast and is doing exceptional, innovative work in her community.
I was invited to give a talk for the Maggie Garb inaugural lecture series titled “Trauma, Incarceration, and Ability to Learn: Rediscovering Learning as Adults.” This is my first public presentation of new concepts in the book, and may still be one of the best overviews of my work.
Here’s a conversation with a panel on youth organizing with C4Innovates. I talked about using a trauma-responsive approach to organizing, but the better discussion is from young people doing that work.