Two of the great loves of my life are teaching, and working with teachers.  I am fascinated by how people, especially teachers, find their way through their own internal labyrinths of trauma and wounding, and emerge into a more loving and creative self.

I love to watch people surprise themselves and discover capacity for caring they didn’t know they had.

I love being surprised by people rediscovering something precious about themselves. I love witnessing that moment of remembering, of reconnecting with joy and wonder.

Trauma responsive teaching is a point of intervention, a way to interrupt cycles of educational harm.  When combined with a philosophy, such as Emergent Strategy, it expands to offer us pathways into complexity, into closer relationship with change – tools and ways of thinking we need to create the future we want to inhabit.

If you are interested in learning more about my thinking on this, here is where I’m sharing my public work:


The book! Building a Trauma-Responsive Educational Practice: Lessons from a Corrections Classroom

Trauma Responsive Education Substack, current thinking, in public

The Galactic Cow, a podcast about visioning the future of education

Google group for people interested in occasional emails and interesting things

Media (recorded talks and interviews)

A gorgeous visual of a mind on fire, with door opening toward the future and rainbow lightening energy all around